Certificate programs

In addition to the regular CME master’s program, you can also do a certificate program. These certificates are supplementary to CME and are intended for students who follow the CME program at Eindhoven. CME students need the approval of the Examination Committee to add the courses of the certificate programs to their study package.  

The Built Environment department offers three certificate programs:
1) Construction Technology
2) Building Design & Technology
3) Circular Design in the Built Environment 

The department of Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences offers two certificate programs:
1) Technology for Sustainable Development
2) Technology Entrepreneurship and Management 

Construction Technology

The certificate program ‘Construction Technology’ aims at obtaining knowledge and research skills in the field of Construction Technology: the construction of a building.  The emphasis lies on independent designing and developing a production process for the construction of a building by using materials, equipment and labor in the most optimal way.  

Building Design & Technology

The certificate program ‘Building Design & Technology’ aims at design – and research skills in the field of the Building Technology. The certificate program emphasizes the relation between the design of the Building and its technical elaboration. 

Circular Design in the Built Environment

The Circular Design certificate takes an interdisciplinary approach to circularity, with a focus though on the Built Environment.

Certificate Technology Entrepreneurship and Management

The Certificate Technology Entrepreneurship and Management (CTEM) is for Master's students who are interested in business. The program offers you the opportunity to improve your entrepreneurial skills. It is open to all Master's students, and is issued by the department of Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences and the TU/e Innovation Lab.

The first part covers elective subjects related to the theme of entrepreneurship. They are taught by the department of Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences. The second part of the program covers entrepreneurial skills. The third part of the program consists of the concluding project or business plan. The basis of the project is an innovative idea that has been developed at the TU/e or proposed by an industrial partner. Students will usually be required to develop the idea further along both technological as well as business lines. The knowledge you will need is frequently not available from one single source.

The CTEM program is linked to the Tilburg Center of Entrepreneurship (TCE). The purpose of the Center is to promote entrepreneurial education.


The 4TU-CME federation – TU/e, TU Delft, UT and Wageningen University

The CME degree program at TU/e is a joint master’s program coordinated between three Dutch technology universities: Eindhoven University, Delft University, and University Twente (Wageningen University is not a partner is this program). All three locations offer the same core courses. The key benefit to you as a master student is that each of these technology universities offers mandatory common courses and elective specialization courses that vary slightly from one another. Our CME program focuses on the management and implementation of information processes with an emphasis on smart cities and smart buildings. However, you and your mentor may decide you should include electives from the other locations in your study plan that are even better aligned with your personal ambitions. The program equips you with a combination of knowledge in management and engineering disciplines, the ability to take responsibility and industry contacts that are highly valued by potential employers. 

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