Degree structure

Studenten die reeds een master in bezit hebben volgen in beginsel het programma van de verkorte (eenjarige) master SE in het schema. Eventueel worden deficiëntievakken gevolgd voor de gewenste specialisatie informatica, natuurkunde, O&O, scheikunde of wiskunde. 

Studenten die met een bachelor beginnen aan de Master SE volgen het tweejarige programma. Elke student stelt samen met de vakdidacticus en de studieadviseur een individueel studieprogramma op wat wordt goedgekeurd door de Examencommissie van ESoE. 

Within Science Education, you can specialize in one of five tracks offered this Master program to become a teacher in:  

  • Computer science;  
  • Physics; 
  • Research & Design;  
  • Chemistry; 
  • Mathematics.  

For R&D, you also obtain a lower secondary school competence in one of the other subjects, so you can teach two school subjects as a teacher. 

The study program of the Master Science Education consists of two parts: 

  • Specialized knowledge of the field in which you wish to become a teacher; and 
  • Practical knowledge based on the vocational competences of a teacher. 

This Master’s is a two-year program and consists of 120 ECs.  

In the first year, you get to know the profession, both in theory (teaching methodology) and in practice. You do an internship and participate in intervision sessions with your fellow students. You also start to broaden your knowledge in your field of expertise. 

During the second year, you become who you want to be as a teacher: you shape your professional identity. You also show you can design a modern beta educational teaching style. You can also do your internship in the second year. 

In principle, students who already have a Master degree follow the fast-track, one-year, SE program. Potential deficiencies in your prior education can be repaired for specialization in computer science, physics, R&D, chemistry or mathematics. 

Students in possession of a Bachelor degree start the two-year Master’s SE program. Together with the subject matter expert, each student designs an individual study program that will be available for you at the start of your program at the Eindhoven School of Education (ESoE). 


Before becoming a certified teacher, you gain working experience at a secondary school. You apply for your internship at the education office of ESoE, and this office connects you to a school. We service a wide area with all sorts of schools via our partnerships. We try to take into account personal circumstances or preferences. During your internship, you learn what type of teacher you want to become and develop into the best teacher you can be. You also participate in  intervision sessions: you discuss your own development, how you experience the process so far and any other business in a group with fellow students, facilitated by a tutor. These sessions are a safe space for honesty and openness. 

In addition to your working experience at a secondary school, you can also do a business internship. Here, you learn the technical processes within a company of your choice and learn how to convert this experience into teaching material for the company or for secondary school students (by ways of a guest lecture). 

You can also do a research internship: (international) working experience at a research group, where you complete your two-year Master research program.  


Final project 

The final project of the fast-track Master Science Education consists of creating and carrying out an education design. The education design is based on literature and is well aligned with the education practice. Topics for final projects are often proposed by schools, institutes and companies and therefore invariably meet the client’s wishes. In these projects you work together with fellow students.  

Two-year Master’s students in Science Education conduct a prolonged final project. They continue to work on the topic they started on with a group or conduct a large graduation project in a research project team setting.  

For more information on graduating, please consult the Education Guide. Theses can be found in the repository of the University library. 


Pre-Master program 

If you have not followed a prior study program at the Eindhoven University of Technology or another technical university, there are several pre-Master programs available for students with, for instance, a background in Higher Vocational Education. After completing this program, that prepares you for the specialization of your choice, you can start the Master Science Education and Communication. You first enrol for the Master program and then design your individual pre-Master’s program. For more information on the pre-Master program, please consult the Education Guide.