Would you like to find out more about a specific TU/e bachelor program? And experience how it is to really study at TU/e? Join one of our Bachelor Experience Days and work on an assignment that matches the content of the program.

Our next Bachelor Experience Days are:

  • November - December 2024

    On campus, all bachelorprograms


You can register for the Bachelor Experience Days a few weeks in advance. To do this, sign in to your MyStart@TU/e account. Don’t have an account yet? Make sure to create one in advance. We will send you an email when registration opens!

Wondering what you can expect?

Watch the promo video and get in the mood already!


Watch a program video of the programs that interests you prior to the Bachelor Experience Days. Our teachers and students will tell you all about the curriculum, projects and more.

Any further questions?

Please fill out the contact form and we will get in touch.
