Gijs Dubbelman

Making machines understand the world

Gijs Dubbelman is assistant professor at the department of Electrical Engineering, where he heads the Mobile Perception Systems research cluster. He is also involved in the work of the Eindhoven Artificial Intelligence Systems Institute (EAISI). Artificial Intelligence plays a crucial role in Gijs's research. A short introduction in five questions and answers.

What is your key research question?

My team from the Mobile Perception Systems lab designs intelligent systems that can move through the world without any human intervention. Think of autonomous robots or self-driving cars. To make this possible, we have to solve two problems. First, we have to learn these systems to perceive and understand the world as it is, and secondly, based on this digital model, we have to learn them to reason what will happen in the future. Much of our current work goes into perfecting the perception part. For this we use deep learning algorithms, which are able to reduce images of the multi-faceted world around us into a number of essential categories, which the car or robot needs to ‘see’ in order to function. Think of roads, road signs, other traffic, humans, etc. The less data we need to do this, and the more efficient and robust this process, the quicker the car or robot is able to move around without causing damage or harming anyone.

Based on labeled training data, a deep learning network is able to interpret real-time images of the world. The Convolutional Neural Net network used in this example was developed by the Mobile Perception Systems lab..It provides each pixel in the input image with a class label (visualized by the different colors) and an instance label (visualized by the white lines around countable objects).

What is the MAIN challenge in your work?

The main challenge lies in taking the next step from perception to reasoning. In other words, how can we learn cars and robots to anticipate future events from sensory data from the past. Think of a car that ‘understands’ that a pedestrian that it ‘sees’ on the side of the road is about to cross to catch a bus stopping on the other side, and responds by braking, preventing a possible accident. At present, we are able to predict roughly up to 1 second in the future, which of course is not enough. In the real world, the time horizon should  be several times larger for dynamic and complex environments like European inner cities.

The main bottleneck here are the neural networks that we have presently at our disposal, which are still limited to very specialist tasks. This means that they can predict the future reasonably well, but only within certain quite specific constraints. Think of a robot taxi that only runs on certain known routes, where there is less traffic. What we’re trying to achieve is to develop AI algorithms that are truly generalizable.


The prediction horizon for current AI research for autonomous robots and self-driving cars. The main challenge lies in predicting the far future based on sensory data from the past.

What are the practical applications of your research? How does it benefit society?

The research we do has applications across a wide range of industries. For instance we worked together with an industrial bakery that needed smart robots which were flexible enough to cope with changing configurations of their machines. We also collaborated with NXP on ‘AI-friendly’ processors for the automotive industry, and with TomTom on smart maps and localisation. Our work on perception also finds applications wherever machines need to interact with humans.

How do you see the development of AI in the future?

Based on the tremendous progress in deep learning over the past few years, I expect that by 2030 AI will have become an integral part of our everyday lives. Think of surveillance cameras with facial recognition, and personalized digital devices and home appliances. I also expect big strides on the way from perception to reasoning, once we are able to formulate neural network-friendly models to represent our world, its objects, and the relations between them.

For example, Convolutional Neural Networks are well suited to process images but knowledge needed for reasoning is best represented in graphs. Hence, current research focusses on designing graph-structures that are network-friendly and, vice versa, network architectures that are graph-friendly.

As for fully autonomous driving or general AI, I think that’s still some way off. So I don’t see any need for dystopian fearmongering about AI. Of course, there are risks, especially in automatic decision making that directly affects people, for instance in job recruitment or policing. That’s why I think AI should always try to be transparent and explainable, and should involve some degree of human intervention.


Why should any AI researcher want to work at the TU/e?

I think that anyone interested in AI who wants to solve real problems in the real world, should feel right at home at the TU/e.

Gijs Dubbelman (1979) is assistant Professor at the department of Electrical Engineering, where’s he heads the Mobile Perception Systems lab. He obtained his BSc in Information and Communication Technology and his MSc Degree cum laude in Artificial intelligence from the University of Amsterdam. In 2011 he obtained his PhD from the same university on the topic of intrinsic statistical techniques for robust pose estimation.

He describes himself as a person that wants to “bring science-fiction into reality in a way that makes our lives better”

His areas of expertise include computer vision and multiple-view geometry and robotics and he has been working on topics such as large-scale visual-odometry, simultaneous localization and mapping, bundle adjustment and on-line camera re-calibration.

Next to his work at TU/e, Gijs is also CTO at AI in Motion, an Eindhoven-based start-up that specializes in customized AI solutions.

For more information, you can e-mail him at Or check out his scientific profile.

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