Ancillary activities regulations

At TU/e agreements have been made with full professors and other staff about informing management regarding ancillary activities. On the basis of clause 1.14 of the cao for Dutch Universities (cao-NU), staff is obliged to officially report ancillary activities. Employees need permission from TU/e for activities outside TU/e, which could have meaning for the performance of the employee at the university or for the interests of the university.

The parties to the collective labour agreement have established a sectoral scheme on ancillary activities Dutch universities. This scheme forms part of the cao-NU, as stated in Appendix J.3. So this sectoral scheme applies also to the TU/e. Please find the sectoral scheme on ancillary activities under downloads on this page. There is an appendix to the scheme with frequently asked questions by employees.

Transparency is an essential condition for scientific integrity. It ensures that it is clear to others what information scientists have relied on. This also includes professors making their ancillary activities public on their university's website. Since January 31, 2024, Dutch universities all publish a publicly accessible overview of the ancillary activities of their professors see for TU/e Researchers ( The professor is responsible for keeping the data up to date. The fourteen registers have been standardized and can be consulted via the overview of registration of ancillary activities of professors at Dutch universities.

TU/e takes the transparency of the ancillary activities in very seriously and has intensified the supervision on the ancillary activities. The topic ancillary activities is a recurring component of the annual reviews. 

A dispute can be submitted insofar as it relates to refusal of permission to perform outside activities. TU/e employees can find more information on the intranet.