Teacher story

“I use the plagiarism checker to teach”

Audrey Debije-Popson, teacher

“Ouriginal is the best plagiarism checker I’ve ever used in terms of ease of use, uploading materials and quick response time. In my MSc-level academic writing course, Ouriginal opens the discussion about reference use and good citation style. Paraphrasing is a skill – copy/pasting something doesn’t show you understood what you’ve cited.”

“Ouriginal also picks out students who try to be clever and submit a report from last quartile for the ungraded assignments. It tells me who submitted it first and when. I call them up, let them know I know, and remind them that they are in my class to actually learn something.”


Tips and tricks

“You can take bits and pieces of text Ouriginal marked as ‘similar’ to discuss anonymously in class. What did the student try to do here? Why did it fail? How can we improve this? Students find this really helpful.”