Teacher story

“Free up your classroom time to inspire”

Ines Lopes Arteaga

“Web lectures are great to explain theory and basic concepts. Students can view them at leisure, so your classroom time can focus on details, examples and advanced applications. You may not even need as much classroom time. My students enjoy my videos and get better grades.”

“I made 12 web lectures, so far. It’s a lot of work. Preparing, writing the script, rehearsing, recording in the studio, changing things – I spent days preparing the scripts for my web lectures. But you get better after a few times. And the results are wonderful, they really pay off.”

Tips and tricks

“Before you start, consider that good video clips may already exist. Only invest your time if nothing is available and you are going to be using the videos many times. And then: just do it! It’s worth it, freeing up your lecture time to inspire your students.”