
Rankings are methods for comparing the quality of universities around the world. Universities are judged by for example their academic performance, publications, reputation, collaboration with industrial partners and the quality of the education. There are several international rankings, each focusing on different aspects. TU/e is world-leading in rankings concerning our cooperation with industry.

Actual position TU/e in 4 international rankings

Ranking World Europe Netherlands

CWTS Leiden Ranking 2023 
Collaborative publications with industry (PP industry, min. 5000 pub)

6 2 1

THE (Times Higher Education) World University ranking 2023 (overall)

By subject (2023)
- Engineering & technology

- Computer Science






Academic Ranking of World Universities 2022 301-400   11
QS World University Ranking 2024 124 50 4
TU/e on rankings

Leading international rankings

Each ranking has its own focus and methodology.

The CWTS Leiden Ranking assesses universities only in respect of measurable facets that are related to academic publication output. It ignores other indicators like reputation or quality of education. TU/e scores well above the global average with the share of publications in the top 1% and the 10% for most cited.

The Times Higher Education Ranking and the QS-ranking assess universities at both academic education and research level. In general, TU/e has been in the top 20% from the THE and QS ranking for years.

The Academic Ranking of World Universities  (ARWU/ Shanghai) targets only the assessment of research and not the quality of the education. ARWU determines the position in the ranking, and in the related subsidiary rankings, by looking at aspects like the number of alumni and staff that have won a Nobel Prize or a Fields Medal, the number of highly-cited academics and the number of publications in Nature or Science.

National rankings

The Keuzegids compares the quality of programs at Dutch educational institutions, among which Universities. The ranking is based on a number of sources, including the National Student Survey (NSE) and labour market data from ROA .

NSE results for TU/e can be found in the BI portal, which is only accessible for staff members.

Elsevier Best Studies also compares the quality of bachelor's and master's programs at Dutch universities. They, too, partly rely on the NSE. In addition, they use data on, among other things, binding study advice, returns, switchers and the student population.
