Dedicated to the Dutch Technology Week

EAISI Café | DTW edition | June 1

Tuesday June 1, 2021 from 3:15 PM to 5:00 PM


AI research presented by TU/e's research community

On June 1st 2021 the Eindhoven Artificial Intelligence Systems Institute (EAISI) organizes the fourth EAISI Café. Goal is to present our interesting AI research to a broad audience; colleagues and industry. 

This special edition during the Dutch Technology Week, will be hosted by Carlo van de Weijer, General Manager of the Eindhoven AI Systems Institute. Regina Bernhaupt and Vincent Müller will both give a keynote, and five other AI researchers will give a 5 minute pitch about their work, all followed by 5 minutes of Q&A. This way multiple topics of AI research will be highlighted.

You are most welcome to join, so save the date for an inspiring afternoon! After registration you will receive a log-in link for MS teams by email.

Program fourth edition - 1 June




3:15 PM


Chair: Carlo van de Weijer
General manager at EAISI
Eindhoven Artificial Intelligence Systems Institute, TU/e


3:20 PM

Trust but verify intelligent control systems

Sofie Haesaert
Assistant Professor, Control Systems
Department Electrical Engineering

3:30 PM

Organic neuromorphic electronics for brain-inspired computing

Imke Krauhausen
PhD, Microsystems & Neuromorphic Engineering
Department Mechanical Engineering


3:40 PM

Authenticating the TV user by biometric continuous measurements

Regina Bernhaupt
Full Professor, Systemic Change
Industrial Design


4:00 PM

BayesBrain: The World’s First Brain-on-Chip AI Computer

Burcu Gumuscu Sefunc
Assistant Professor, Biointerface Science
Department Biomedical Engineering

4:10 PM

Help - my colleague is an agent!

Team trust in human-AI teams

Anna-Sophie Ulfert-Blank
Assistant Professor, Human Performance Management
Department Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences

4:20 PM

Autonomous Racing in Formula Student

Dennis Gubbels
Team manager at University Racing Eindhoven (URE) 

4:30 PM

Is it time for robot rights? Moral status in artificial entities


Vincent Müller
Full Professor, Philosophy & Ethics
Department Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences 

4:50      WRAP-UP



Sofie Haesaert | Trust but verify intelligent control systems

The increasing availability of computational power and sensors has led to the digitalization of inter alia cars, aeroplanes, and robots. To enable long-term autonomy, these intelligent systems need to be able to adapt to physical changes safely. In this pitch, I will highlight the importance and the challenges in verifying intelligent control systems.

Imke Krauhausen | Organic neuromorphic electronics for brain-inspired computing

Artificial intelligence applications have demonstrated their enormous potential for complex processing over the last decade. Nonetheless traditional computing systems are still unable to reach the efficiency and computing power of the brain. Organic neuromorphic electronics emulate the analogue information processing of biological nervous systems and have shown potential to overcome some of these limitations. This pitch describes state-of-the-art organic neuromorphic devices and provides an overview of the current challenges in the field.

Regina Bernhaupt | Authenticating the TV user by biometric continuous measurements

While artificial intelligence oriented approaches and algorithms provide novel opportunities for the design of interactive systems, it also brings with it a set of design challenges. Using the design case of a remote control that recognizes its user when picking it up, this talk shows the difficulties design has to overcome to make such approaches successful in terms of usability, user experience, but also reliability and safety/security.

Burcu Gumuscu Sefunc | BayesBrain: The World’s First Brain-on-Chip AI Computer

Silicon-based information technologies consume approximately 7% of the global electricity (extrapolated to 13% by 2030) and a large and rapidly increasing share thereof is spent on AI technologies. On the other hand, a biological brain is about 6 to 9 orders of magnitude more energy-efficient than silicon-based computation for comparable tasks. We combine the biological brain in the form of “brain-on-chip” and AI infrastructure to develop the world's first Brain-on-Chip AI computer.

Anna-Sophie Ulfert-Blank | Help - my colleague is an agent! Team trust in human-AI teams

Artificial intelligence is transforming work in many organizations and across industries. Today, software agents are supporting employees in diverse information processing tasks and are even introduced as team members. To ensure successful human-AI collaboration and team effectiveness, autonomous agents that operate alongside humans need to be trusted both as a technology and as a team member. But how does trust in human-AI teams develop?

Dennis Gubbels | Autonomous Racing in Formula Student

The student team University Racing Eindhoven participates in the Formula Student competition for Electric and Autonomous vehicles. Within the pitch, the exact challenges in this highly competitive environment, as well as the solutions developed by the team will be explained. These include a complete data pipeline from sensor input to actuator output, all with the goal of reaching the lowest lap time.