Freezing in Summer

Ying Wang

Ying Wang was born on August 27, 1990 in Beijing, China. She received her Bachelor degree, Electronics and Information Engineering, at School of Information Engineering, Minzu University of China in 2012. In the same year, she moved to Germany for her Master’s study. In 2016, she obtained her Master degree, Computational Science in Engineering, at Technische Universitaet Braunschweig, Germany. During her master study, she showed her enthusiasm for biomedical signal and image analysis, especially applied in neuroscience field. She did her master thesis at Institute of Neuroscience, Juelich Research Center with the topic “Analysis on Polarized Light Brain Images”. In September 2016, she maintained her enthusiasm for biomedical signal analysis in neuroscience field. Ying Wang started working as a PhD candidate at three organizations: Donders Institute of Radboud University, Signal Processing System group of Eindhoven University of Technology, and Kempenhaeghe Research Center. Her PhD project was part of a Dutch Research Council (NWO) project, called “BrainWave” project. In this project, she conducted multidisciplinary research among clinical, neuroscience, and engineering fields for seizure detection in persons with epilepsy and freezing-of-gait detection in persons with Parkinson’s disease. Currently, Ying Wang continues her interests and research as an assistant professor at Biomedical Signals and Systems group of University of Twente.