Thursday June 11, 2020 from 8:30 PM to 10:45 PM
Brainport Development

Science + Tech Online Quiz

On Thursday, June 11th you are very welcome to join the Science & Tech Online Quiz which will be live streamed.

From Einstein to iPhone, from Newton to Hawking and from the history of science to the latest gadgets, you can expect all sorts of questions in this quiz, which tackles all of the major and minor topics from the world of science and technology.

The quiz will be live streamed on Youtube. It will be hosted in English and is suitable for an international audience. Invite your colleagues, friends and family! The quiz can be played in teams of up to 5 persons. For all our European players, this quiz will be a perfect way to enjoy a Thursday evening with your science & tech loving friends. It will serve as a lunch quiz in San Francisco, an afternoon quiz in New York and Rio and a midnight quiz for all you Indian quiz fans.

You can play the live stream on your TV, computer, laptop, or smartphone. You can simultaneously set up a group chat / call / video conference with your team buddies. Or simply play with your quarantine buddies from the comfort of your own sofa. But please make sure to follow the local measures with regard to social distancing. 

Be prepared: make sure your team captain has registered your team in advance, grab a tasty drink and some snacks and set up a (video) chat with your teammates before we start. Also make sure your team captain has the answer sheets ready so they can send in the answers on behalf of your team.

If you’re going to participate with a team of TU/e colleagues: please mention you’re playing on behalf of TU/e during the registration process. This way, TU/e will be linked to your team name in the ranking.  We would of course love to see some TU/e teams in the top 10 :)

This quiz is part of the 2020 online edition of the Dutch Technology Week. Normally Quiz Night XL - a science & tech quiz with over 1200 participants - is a key event during this week. Naturally, the 2020 edition of this quiz can not take place. To keep the quizzing spirit alive, this online alternative is being organized for you!