
Teacher Education

The ESoE offers both first and second degree teacher qualification programs.

The first degree teacher qualification program allows you to teach in upper secondary education HAVO (general) and VWO (academic),  while the second degree teacher qualification program allows you to teach HAVO and VWO as well as VMBO-T (vocational) classes in year one till three of secondary education.

The ESoE provides teacher education at TU Eindhoven and its vision of the kind of teachers it educates is related to the vision of a university of technology.

  • They are strong teachers in their subject area, who design and develop education that is rich in (technical) contexts that are exploited as learning environments through active (e.g. constructivist) learning;
  • These academic teaching professionals evaluate their education and their own role in it, and show an inquisitive and learning attitude towards their profession;
  • They invite their pupils to adopt this attitude;
  • From their growing subject-specific didactic knowledge and their progressive understanding of teaching, they analyze and reflect on teaching and their profession, and encourage others to do the same;
  • They can think constructively about education and educational innovations, use modern ICT applications and acquire knowledge actively through their attitude to research and learning;
  • They play a pioneering role and are able to realize partnerships in all kinds of areas, both within and outside secondary school.

Our aim at ESoE, together with schools for secondary education, is to educate trainee teachers in all these aspects by drawing attention to the added value they can have as university trained teachers, both implicitly (as role models) and explicitly (in assignments within the study).

You can follow our teacher education programs in different ways:

Read more about the various fields of study, admission requirements and programming (only in Dutch).
For more information, please contact ESoE via


  • Visiting address

    Eindhoven School of Education
    23, Cascade (1.22)
    Groene Loper
    The Netherlands
  • Postal address

    Eindhoven School of Education
    23, Cascade (1.22)
    PO Box 513
    5600 MB Eindhoven
    The Netherlands