TU/e Open Access Policy

To make it easier for researchers to provide Open Access to your publications and to reach the university’s ambition to provide Open access to all our peer-reviewed publications  

As of 16 March 2023 the Board has established the TU/e Open Access Regulation and asked the University Library to facilitate researchers in exercising the legal right to Open Access, established in the Taverne amendment (Section 25fa ) to the Dutch Copyright Act

This means that the legal right to share, provided by the Taverne amendment, will be applied automatically to peer-reviewed journal publications registered in Pure that are published after 31 December 2021 and not openly available on the publisher's website. Publications will be made available following UNL's guidelines.  

This policy is intended to make as many TU/e publications Open Access as possible at no charge via the TU/e Repository. Authors retain their freedom in the choice of publishing outlet.  

Should you have compelling reasons for not wanting to share your publications on the basis of the Open Access Regulation, you can request an opt-out.   

Please be aware that you are still expected to make your publications Open Access available. For more information or if you want to discuss other routes to make your publications Open Access, please contact the Open Access helpdesk

Open Access is a requirement for a publication to be eligible for the Academic Annual Awards  

Since 2015, only Master theses and PhD dissertations available Open Access in the TU/e repository are qualified for academic annual awards. This requirement does not apply for reports of PDEng candidates.