Artificial Womb: Dream or Nightmare?

29 March
12:30 - 16:30
Blauwe Zaal, Auditorium, TU/e campus
Center for Humans and Technology
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Artificial Womb: Dream or Nightmare?

Artificial Womb: Dream or Nightmare?

If birds can fly, why can’t we? If birds lay eggs, why can’t we? Ectogenesis, life through an artificial womb, is on the brink of reality: in April 2017 researchers announced successful trials with animal babies. It will not be long before we can grow babies outside the mother.

The artificial womb confronts us with serious moral and societal questions. On 29 March we will discuss if humankind is better off with this alternative way of growing babies.

This event is organized by the TU/e Center for Humans & Technology, in co-production with the Next Nature Network.

The Program

12.30 - 12.40
Koert van Mensvoort (Next Nature Fellow TU/e)

12.40 - 13.25
What we can learn from the history of IVF
Larissa Pans (author of the book “Onbeperkt vruchtbaar” (Unlimited Fertility)

13.25 - 14.10
New hope for babies born at the border of viability
Guid Oei (gynecologist MMC)

14.10 - 14.30
Exchange of thoughts (with coffee break)

14.30 - 15.15
Artificial Womb: Dream or Nightmare?
Hendrik-Jan Grievink (designer Reprodutopia expo)

15.15 - 16.00
Ectogenesis, abortion, and right not to become a biological mother
Lily Frank (ethicist TU/e)

16.00 - 16.30
Debate & Discussion (the pros and cons)

16.30 - 17.30

Dutch TV program Nieuwsuur (News hour) reported about our event.
You can watch it here (in Dutch)

More information about the recent TU/e research project to develop an artifiicial womb.