research project


 Samen Slim Zorgen Thuis (Smart Home Care Together)

Our aim

Care is in transition, and demands a new perspective. Older adults stay at home longer, while there are budget cuts on home care. In 2025 our older adults have 14 billon euro to spend on care services, this offers a large chance for innovation, design and secondary vocational education (MBO) care practitioners that will be explored in this project.

TU/e researchers involved

Project coordinator: dr.Yuan Lu

PhD students involved:

  • Marjolein Wintermans
  • Carlijn Valk

Other non-TU/e researchers involved:

  • Summa College et al.

Project funded by: ZonMw, National Program for Elderly Care (ZonMw, Nationaal Programma Ouderenzorg)

Time-frame: 1/1/2015 - 1/1/2020