Why join our events?

Photo by Kevin Bidwell from Pexels

When it comes to sharpening your knowledge, the possibilities are overwhelming. You can read a book, a whitepaper, an article, follow a MOOC or a YouTube video, or listen to a podcast. And you can join a conference. But why would you bother with the time and effort to do so? We have asked this very question to the people who attend our (online) events.

Keep up-to-date
Research provides new knowledge and insights. Keeping up-to-date is the number one reason to attend conferences or events. Sharpening the saw, as Stephen Covey calls it, is more important than ever. At our events you will meet other people who are willing to share their knowledge, insights, thoughts and doubts. And you can engage in the discussions and the debates, fueling you with new insights.

Most participants say the event has inspired them with new ideas and approaches.

When you join our events you will get in contact with researchers, interested businesses and (governmental) organizations who are also interested in the subject. Building and expanding my network is the next reason people join our events.

Or as one participant said: these events are a great way to meet new people and to strengthen the bond with my existing relationships.


Stay relevant
Events are also a great way for people to meet you. They will we be interested in your knowledge of the field. Our events can be another way to get your name and work out there.

In this video we interview some participants to our conferences