Project of Imaging

Dynamic Ultrasound Skeletal Muscles Analysis during Human Locomotion and Exercise

Ultrasound imaging is a fundamental procedure in the assessment of skeletal muscles architecture. Muscle architecture reflects the potential to generate force and is conventionally investigated in static conditions in the evaluation of adaptations occurring with training, injuries and pathological conditions.

Due to the paramount role that skeletal muscles play in human locomotion and exercise, a striking attention has been recently raised in their investigation in dynamic conditions. Dynamic contractions imply muscle anatomical deformation, which depends on exercise type and intensity. Nevertheless, the information on deformation in realistic long-lasting non-isometric conditions are insufficient. Thanks to the recent introduction of ultrasound probe fixation systems (Probefix Dynamic, USONO), skeletal muscles could be imaged in dynamic conditions.

In this project, we aim to investigate the skeletal muscles functionality during exercise. Dedicated algorithms for the muscle architecture changes in dynamic conditions will be developed and used to provide deeper insight on the muscles behaviour. The scientific findings will be coupled and compared with conventional assessment performed in gait analysis and movement sport science.

This research is a collaboration with USONO and the Maxima Medisch Centrum Hospital of Eindhoven.

Projects for bachelor-end projects, internships and MSc projects are available:

  • Develop & validate automated algorithms for muscles architecture analysis
  • In vivo functional measurements (during indoor and outdoor exercise)
  • Other projects can be designed in consultation with the supervisors (Cristina Caresio, Richard Lopata)