

How do I create my graduation poster?

This page describes how a poster can be created acording to the Manufacturing Networks standards. Preparation and printing of the poster should be done under Windows, using MikTex 2.8 or higher. (To download the TU/e MikTex version, look at these webpages)

You can make your own poster by preparing a LaTeX file of your poster and by processing this file so that the required print file is obtained. More information on how to do this you find below. You may compile your poster.tex file on one of the serack Linux systems, or with MikTex 2.8 on one of the student PC's or your notebook. Examples of recent posters can be viewed in the Manufacturing Networks poster collection.

For starters, download the file poster.pdf. This pdf file contains an example poster in A4-size.  It shows you what your poster should look like and it contains basic suggestions on how to improve the quality of your poster. (Notice the crop marks in each corner.)

Editing the text
Assuming you want to create the LaTeX file of your poster by yourself you can do the following:


Writing LaTex

  • Download the file It contains the LaTeX source code and all additional files of the example poster. Unpack it in a directory of your choice. You can use it as a sort of template for your own poster.
  • Edit the LaTeX file of the example poster by:
    • changing title and authors,
    • re-defining, adding and/or removing section titles, and
    • inserting text and figures,
    • save your poster with a new filename. Preferably, name the file after your MN/SE-report number! If you use the same filename (poster.tex) all posters would have equal filenames, which is silly!
  • Compile your poster file by selecting the PdfLaTeX button in WinEdt; this results in a pdf file that will be shown in the pdf viewer.

Continue until there are no more errors in your file, and you are satisfied with the result. You can always take a look at the source of the example poster to find out how some elements of the poster are created in LaTeX.


Generating the posterfiles

In the end you will need two pdf poster files of different size: One with crop marks, used to plot your A1 poster on oversized paper, and one without crop marks, for use on normal A4 paper, or on our website.

  • Make sure you compiled your file by selecting the PdfLaTeX button in WinEdt.
  • Remember to use option a1plus for postersize, or a4 for A4 size in the \documentclass macro.
  • Save your files using the following naming convention:
    • Year_ReportNumber_Initials_Name_A1.pdf respectively
    • Year_ReportNumber_Initials_Name_A4.pdf
    For example: 2012_MN-123456_AAJ_vBeek_A1.pdf

If you are satisfied with the result, you can print your poster on SELSOL6Paper as shown on the printing page.


Suggestions (Do's and Don'ts)

  • Be brief and to the point. Do not use long paragraphs (> 3 sentences). A reader of the poster does not have to be able to understand your poster completely. You are allowed to design your poster as if you were standing aside the poster to explain what you mean.
  • Minimize the number of equations.
  • Itemize important statements. Items can be used instead of long paragraphs. If a pragraph can be itemized, do it.
  • Make sure the text in the figures is readable.
  • Limit the number of references (< 3).

Look at the menu for some information about pictures in your poster, and how to print the final version of it in SEL/SOL.