Research project

SPARK Impuls (Knowledge sharing)

The SPARK impulse project is an example of a project at REMD. It consists of two PhD-projects. Both projects consider emerging new business concepts. Their aim is to generate insights in factors that determine the added value of the new concepts for knowledge sharing behavior and ecosystem formation to better inform real-estate and facility management decisions.

SPARK M. Weijs-Perrée

The added value of business center concepts for knowledge sharing

Objective - The aim of this PhD-research project is to identify business center concepts and to analyze the influence of these different business center concepts on knowledge sharing and networking behavior of business center users.
Methodology - Surveys and Experience Sampling methods are used to collect detailed data about knowledge sharing behavior of individuals in business centers in a number of multi-tenant office buildings. Analysis of the data is based on regression and discrete choice modeling techniques.
Relevance - Results of this PhD-research project will help real estate owners/developers to make well informed decisions about the type of business centers that they want to develop or invest in and to respond optimally to the needs and preferences of the users in terms of knowledge sharing.
Partners - TU/e Innovation Lab, Provincie Noord-Brabant, Gemeente Eindhoven, Rijksvastgoedbedrijf; Annexum, CBRE global investors, Kadans Science Partner, Twice Eindhoven BV, ParkStrijp CV, AT Osborne, Hendriks Bouw & Ontwikkeling, Goevaers & Znn, N.V. BIM, Wiegerinck architecten.

The added value of business center concepts for knowledge sharing

Objective - The aim of this PhD-research project is to identify business center concepts and to analyze the influence of these different business center concepts on knowledge sharing and networking behavior of business center users.
Methodology - Surveys and Experience Sampling methods are used to collect detailed data about knowledge sharing behavior of individuals in business centers in a number of multi-tenant office buildings. Analysis of the data is based on regression and discrete choice modeling techniques.
Relevance - Results of this PhD-research project will help real estate owners/developers to make well informed decisions about the type of business centers that they want to develop or invest in and to respond optimally to the needs and preferences of the users in terms of knowledge sharing.
Partners - TU/e Innovation Lab, Provincie Noord-Brabant, Gemeente Eindhoven, Rijksvastgoedbedrijf; Annexum, CBRE global investors, Kadans Science Partner, Twice Eindhoven BV, ParkStrijp CV, AT Osborne, Hendriks Bouw & Ontwikkeling, Goevaers & Znn, N.V. BIM, Wiegerinck architecten.

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