Magnetic, electrical & structural nanocharacterization

Research in the group Physics of Nanostructures is aimed at the engineering and investigation of functional nanostructures. Emphasis is on structures and devices with application potential in the field of spintronics, (magnetic) data storage, and sensors. A state-of-the-art infrastructure for preparation and manipulation, as well as in-situ and ex-situ characterization of nanostructures, is available

Magnetic characterization

For the characterization of the magnetic state and properties of (nano)materials we have a fully equipped high-sensitivity laboratory. Ranging from VSM and SQUID to a dedicated lab where different magneto optical techniques where the Magneto-Optical-Kerr-Effect (MOKE) is exploited to resolve the magnetic state.

Electrical characterization

To characterize the electrical response of our nano-magnetic devices and materials we have various high sensitive electrical measurement setups where the electric response as s function of applied field and temperature can be measured.

NMR setup

The group FNA runs a sensitive, home-built Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) apparatus, dedicated to research the structural properties of ferromagnetic materials (especially cobalt). The set-up is phase-coherent, frequency tuned from 100-400 MHz, uses fields of 0-5.5 T, can measure at temperatures down to 2 K, and has a sensitivity of better than 0.1 monolayers of Co.

High-frequency probe station

To characterize the high frequency response of devices and materials we have a RF probe station available where high frequency probes can be used in a 3D magnetic field up to 0.6T. The setup features a wide-field Kerr microscope to image the static magnetic state of the device via MOKE.