
Student competitions, videos and press

In the media

Outreach is achieved by means of e.g. lectures, media, student teams, covers and multimedia. On this page some examples of the outreach of this research group.

• January 2015, Article in Dutch newspaper Volkskrant "We gebruiken lichtgevende eiwitten uit fluo kwallen"
• November 2015, Presentation on Synthetic Biology "Leven (her)ontwerpen" at Science Cafe Eindhoven
• November 2015, news items on Omroep Brabant and Omroep Max about doping tests for cows

Student competitions and teams

The group Protein Engineering actively promotes and supports the participation of students in student competitions. In past years teams have joined the international iGEM competition and SensUs competition.

Controlling antibody activity using DNA-based molecular locks

Pecha Kucha - Bioluminescence as a Diagnostic Tool by Prof. Maarten Merkx