Colloquium Roberto Benzi

01 December
10:30 - 13:00
TU/e Campus, Ceres Building, Room 0.31
Eindhoven Multiscale Instituut

During the period 1978-1986, I spent several months working at the Washingtonand Yale Universities. In 1979 I participate to the oceanographic expedition in theIndian Ocean for the Italian CNR to measure the momentum and heat flux exchangeat air-sea interface.

During the period 1988-1991 I managed the group of scientists to design and developthe operative limited area model for weather forecast for the Italian minister ofagriculture.
In 1992, I designed and developed the centre of civil protection in Genova.
In 1992 and 2007, I was visiting professor at the ENS Lyon.
In 1994 and 2007 I was visiting professor at the Institute Henry Poincare.

During the period 1995-2003, on a leave of absence from the university, I served asmember of the board of directors of the AIPA (Autorità per l'Informatica nellaPubblica Amministrazione) which was the Italian Authority for ICT.In 2001 I was the Italian representative for ICT in the G8 meeting.

During the period 2003-2006 I was the scientific advisor of the Italian Ministry ofInnovation and Technology.

During the period 2007-2010 I was president of the Italian Committee forGeographical Information Systems.

Since 2009 I am consultant of the Acquirente Unico S.p.A. for designing andimplementing the technological infrastructure for energy market (SistemaInformativo Integrato).

I was member of the board of directors of the Autorità per l'Informatica nellaPubblica Amministrazione (Government Authority for ICT in the publicadministration) and I managed all the projects aimed at introducing the nationalframework for the digital signature and identification, the standardization criteria forsecurity in network computing. I was also coauthor of the italian law on digitaladministration approved by the parliament in 2005.

I was member of several scientific committees in the organization of meetings andconferences and I delivered more 40 invitedks and plenary talks at major universityand research cececentrese Weizmann Institute (Israel), Institute Henry Poincare(Paris), ENS Lyon, Chicago University, UCLA, Harward University (Boston), J.Hopskins Univeristy (Baltimore), Wein EGU Richardson Conference, SlichterLecture UCLA, Yang Lecture at CHUK (Honk Kong), Beijng University, Univ.Brussels, Niels Borh Institute (Copenhagen), DAMT Cambridge University, LorentzCentre Leiden.

During my scientific career I was able to work on different problems: from ratherabstract questions in statistical mechanics to rather applied issues in computer scienceand simulations.

I was member of the ERC panel PE3 from 2008 to 2015

Since 03/2014 Team member ERC NewTURB. PI Prof. Luca Biferale


For the abstract please click  here.