Frans van de Vosse leads the research group Cardiovascular Biomechanics at the department of Biomedical Engineering. His research interests are related to the computational and experimental biomechanical analysis of the cardiovascular system and its application to clinical diagnosis and intervention, cardiovascular prostheses, extracorporeal systems and medical devices. Research at the Cardiovascular Biomechanics group is directed along the topics Blood in Motion, Heart at Work, and Vessels under Stress. The common denominators are the development of computational models, experimental techniques and medical devices, for clinical diagnosis, decision support, and intervention.


Frans van de Vosse studied Applied Physics at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e, The Netherlands) where he obtained his MSc in 1982. He earned his PhD degree from the same university in 1987 on his thesis describing the numerical analysis of carotid artery flow. From 1987 to 2001, he was lecturer in fluid mechanics with the Materials Technology group in the TU/e department of Mechanical Engineering. In 2001 he was appointed full professor in Cardiovascular Biomechanics at the department of Biomedical engineering (BMT, TU/e).