RESEARCH PROFILE A.J.D. (Fred) Lambert (1948) is an Assistant Professor in the domain Energy and the Environment. He studied Technical Physics at the Eindhoven University of Technology. In 1979 he accomplihed his Ph.-D. Thesis on Waves in an Unmagnetized Plasma. This is an application of Theoretical Physics in energy technology. After his graduation, he worked at Rhijnhuizen Institute of Plasma Physics, at Greifswald University (Germany) and at Universita degli Studi di Trieste (Italy). Successively, he joined the Groups on Fluid Mechanics, Direct Energy Conversion, and Manufacturing Technology, which made him acquaintained with various aspects in energy modeling. At present, he joins the Section of Technology and Sustainability Studies, where he is involved in research and education on industrial ecology. The emphasis of his research work is on quantitative modeling of materials flows in industry, specificly related on recycling and the disassembly of complex products. Within this framework, he participated in RevLog, a joint European project on reverse logistics. This project was recently expired, but not without preparation for a successive project, which is presently in progress. More details on his research can be found here. He is a fellow of Eindhoven Center of Innovation Studies (ECIS).

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