Işıl Yeşil Gür  is a PhD candidate in Bio-Organic Chemistry at Eindhoven University of Technology. She has experiences on polymer synthesis and modifications. In particular, she is working on synthesis of amphiphilic block polymers as well as self-assembly and shape transformation to produce polymeric vesicles. Polymersomes and stomatocytes (bowl-shape structures) are good candidates for carrying and preserving catalytic species. Her research study with fellow colloquies in ARC CBBC aims to develop nanoreactors for polyolefin recycling. As a long term result, it would be great to provide alternative solutions for environmental problems and to contribute sustainable future.


Işıl Yeşil Gür (Izmir, 1991) is graduated from Molecular Biology and Genetics at Boğaziçi University, Istanbul. She decided to pursue her education with a master in chemistry and focused on synthesis of PET via condensation polymerization. She obtained MSc in organic synthesis and polymer chemistry with Assoc. Prof. Ali Ersin Acar from Boğaziçi University in 2019.  Yeşil Gür has been worked in collaborative projects with two industrial partners for three years. Since February 2022, she has joined in Prof. Jan C.M. van Hest’s research group at Eindhoven University of Technology and joined ARC CBBC.

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