Doctoral Candidate

Kevin Looman

Department / Institute
Group Steinbuch


Kevin Looman is a Doctoral Candidate in the Control Systems Technology (CST) - Mechatronic Systems Design (MSD) research group at the Mechanical Engineering department of the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). His research focuses on accurate and high performance mechanics, mechatronic systems and design principles for precision engineering. The project Looman is involved in is the “Modular Planar Motor for semicon applications”, a collaboration between the TU/e and Prodrive Technologies. Looman is focusing on the metrology architecture for a Planar Motor and the design of a measurement system capable of measuring all six degrees of freedom of the Planar Motor with low uncertainty.

A calculation is verification, not creation" - Martin van den Brink


Kevin Looman recieved both his BSc and MSc (Cum Laude) in mechanical engineering from the Eidnhoven University of technology (TU/e). During his master project "Design of a hybrid reluctance actuator with stiffness compensation for EUV mirror actuation" Looman combined electromagnetic, mechanical and control analysis to design an actuator with benificial mechancial behaviour. Hereafter Looman worked for Prodrive Technologies in the role of opto-mechanical designer of an displacement measuring interferometer.

Ancillary Activities

  • PhD student, Prodrive Technologies