Myrthe Plaisier is an assistant professor in the Human Technology Interaction (HTI) group at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). She investigates multisensory technology. We experience the world in an inherent multisensory way. In daily life we rarely experience information through a single perceptual channel. What if one of the perceptual channels is not available? This can be the case when this channel is already occupied with a different task. Looking at your phone while driving is dangerous because you should be looking at the road. It can also be the case that a perceptual channel is not available due to, for instance, blindness or deafness. Whatever the reason for the unavailability of a perceptual channel is, sensory substitution can be used to overcome the problem. Very often one sensory modality is used to substitute one other modality. However, there are benefits of providing information through several perceptual channels. Plaisier investigates performance of the different sensory modalities and how they can be combined. Such combinations of perceptual channels can be exploited when designing multisensory substitution devices.

The future of technology is multisensory


Myrthe Plaisier received her Masters degree in experimental physics in 2006 and her PhD in 2010, both from Utrecht University. She performed her PhD research on haptic perception in the group of prof. Astrid Kappers. Her thesis received the thesis award from the Dutch Psychonomics Society. In 2011 she received a Rubicon grant from the Netherlands organisation for scientific research (NWO) which allowed her to continue her research at Bielefeld University in Germany. In 2013 she received a VENI grant from NWO to investigate haptic perception of objects at the Department of Human Movement Sciences at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. In 2018 she joined Eindhoven University of Technology to work on the development of assistive technology for persons with deafblindness as part of the European project SUITCEYES. In 2021 she joined temporarily Delft University of Technology. From 2022 she is an assistent professor at the Human Technology Interaction group at Eindhoven University of Technology.

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