EMI Symposium Multiscale Dynamics and High Performance Computing

When:4 december 2015
9.00 - 17.00
Where:Ceres building, CE 0.31, TU/e campus


The ever increasing complexity of technological systems in science and engineering implies a persistent need for accurate and aggregated models that are able to predict, monitor and represent the dynamic behavior and features of physical phenomena. Typical demands on these models vary from specifications on reliability, computability, efficiency, complexity, accuracy, scalability, convergence and processing power. Despite the unprecedented advancements in high performance computing, the multiscale dynamical nature of systems causes these demands to be largely conflicting. The field of scientific computing therefore faces serious challenges in improving the precision and accuracy of modeling and simulation tools, in managing the complexity of models, and in improving the computational efficiency of large-scale models. This symposium aims to address these challenges by presenting a number of novel developments in the field of multiscale dynamical models, in model approximation and in high performance computing.

Invited speakers

Marcus Müller (Institut für Theoretische Physik, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, Germany)

George Karniadakis (Charles Pitts Robinson and John Palmer Barstow Professor of Applied Mathematics, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island (USA); also at MIT)

Oliver Henrich, School of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Edinburgh, Schotland

Jan Dirk Jansen (Department of Geoscience & Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, TU Delft)

Enrico Camporea (Multiscale Dynamics Group, Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, Amsterdam)

Symposium organizers

Wil Schilders (Department of Mathematics and Computer Science)
Siep Weiland (Department of Electrical Engineering)
Jens Harting (Department of Applied Physics)
Bianca Magielse (Department of Mechanical Engineering)