High Performance Computing

EuroTech COFUND programme

The penetration of the enabling capabilities of advanced computing across engineering and the sciences into the broader landscape of applied research, technology development, and innovation remains a challenge. This focus area aims to lead the effort to overcome this challenge to enable the use of this field in research, education, and industry.

High Performance Computing groups at TU/e:


1. Department of Applied Physics

High Performance Computing research at the department of Applied Physics can be found in the following program/groups:

2. Department of Biomedical Engineering

High Performance Computing research at the department of Biomedical Engineering can be found in the following groups:

3. Department of Built Environment

High Performance Computing research at the department of Built Environment can be found in the following group:

4. Department of Electrical Engineering

High Performance Computing research at the department of Built Environment can be found in the following program:

5. Department of Mathematics & Computer Science

High Performance Computing research at the department of Mathematics & Computer Science can be found in the following groups:

6. Department of Mechanical Engineering

High Performance Computing research at the department of Mechanical Engineering can be found in the following projects:

The following researchers explicitly expressed their interest in the EuroTech Postdoc Programme. Some of them already have research contacts with one of the other EuroTech universities.

Department Contact person
Applied Physics Dr.ir. Vianney Koelman
Built Environment - Dr.ir. Maarten Hornikx
Electrical Engineering Prof.dr.ir. Twan Basten
Mathematics & Computer Science Prof.dr.ir. Barry Koren
Prof.dr. Wil Schilders
Mechenical Engineering

- Prof.dr.ir Harald van Brummelen
- Prof.dr. Hans Kuerten