A track within MSc Applied Physics

Master's track Fluids, Bio and Soft Matter

Fluids, Bio and Soft Matter addresses the physics of fluids and soft solids. This includes their (multiphase) flow behavior, turbulence properties, elasticity, self-organization, phase transformations, the role of confinement in porous media and response to environmental changes. The systems range from water, air and oil, liquid crystals, glassy materials, and polymer networks to dispersions of man-made, bio-derived and biologically functionalized particles. Applications include molecular biosensors, lab-on-a-chip devices, inkjet printing, immersion lithography, responsive films, energy and heat storage, particle-modulated turbulence, self-healing materials, panel paintings, energy saving rubber tires, and pollutant distribution in the atmosphere and oceans.

Skills that will be developed

  • a fundamental understanding of the physical principles of complex fluids and flows and soft materials from the nanometer to the meter scale
  • familiarity with state-of-the-art experimental techniques,  advanced computational techniques and practical theory development
  • the ability to apply abstract problem solving in practical, engineering and scientific contexts

Tracks of the Master Applied Physics

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Emma Smolders
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This program is NVAO-accredited. In the Netherlands, the NVAO assesses the internal quality assurance of universities and colleges and the quality of their programs.