Student Team


We create the next generation of Autonomous Drones using End-2-End Artificial Intelligence.

About us

MultiRotorResearch is a multidisciplinary student team focusing on creating smart autonomous drones. We use the power of End-2-End Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision to create a smart autonomous obstacle avoidance system. Our system will be able to automatically perform industrial tasks on location like inspecting a process or monitoring a specific area.

We have multiple smaller teams within our team which focus on a specific area of the project. From Ai researcher to design, we have a team that fits your interests!

We are always looking for students who want to join us in taking on this massive challenge. We are especially interested in students with the following backgrounds:

  • Data Science
  • Electro
  • Mechanical
  • Industrial Design

Contact us

Sieuwe elferink

  • Bezoekadres

    TU/e campus
    Matrix 1
    Het Kranenveld 12
    5612 AZ Eindhoven