
A board is at the heart of an association. Usually spanning across one full year. Getting to know all the ins and outs of the association and managing events, financials, committees, members to keep the association running.


As a board you have a wide range of tasks, since it is your responsibility to keep the association or team going. Depending on the size of the association, this can take a few hours or even be almost a full-time job.

A board year enables you to take your association to the next level by managing every aspect of the association for (mostly) a full year. This includes managing events, managing finance, promotion, communication and creating a vision for the future to improve your association.

As a board (around 3-7 people) you get close to each other. As a group learn to overcome many setbacks and complications throughout the year. As a board you get a lot of support from your predecessors, other boards and of course the members of your association.