Purchase literature for service or department

All requests for the purchase of books, magazines and NEN files are ordered by the library. 

As for ebooks, ebooks for personal use must be purchased by the user. The library can only purchase ebooks that are accessible to the entire TU/e. You can request an eBook through the Purchase of a book or journal for TU/e Lirabry collection form. Our collection manager will evaluate your request and let you know whether it will be included in the collection.

You can order an article from the product group using the form below.
The library has agreements and price agreements with various publishers and suppliers. The library maintains contacts with suppliers worldwide and orders the product for you.

For books there is a regular delivery time of:

  • 5 to10 working days for Dutch-language books
  • 3 to 6 weeks for foreign books

Please note: in the field 'Budget Number' fill in the budget number (kostenplaats) and, if applicable, also the project number. A project number alone is not enough for us to handle your request.

If you have any questions or comments about the content of your application, please contact the department via lis.library.services@tue.nl


Verplichte velden zijn gemarkeerd met een asterisk (*)
Information about the publication
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