FAQ Practical

What is the effective date of the Open Access Regulation?

The University Library will implement the regulations as of 1 June 2023, by opening eligible publications registered in Pure that were published since January 2022. Earlier publications will be made Open Access through the Taverne amendment on request

How does it work?

When validating a publication that is not openly available on the publisher's website, the University Library will check whether the publication is eligible for opening through Taverne. If so, the publisher's version is made Open Access at most six months after first online publication. If the Pure validation team can not find the full text version of your work, they may ask you to supply a copy.

Does this Open Access Regulation apply to all TU/e authors?

No. The current regulation only covers TU/e-employed authors. We aim to extend this in the near future, to also include authors who are affiliated with TU/e and publish as such, but who are not on the payroll. 

The regulation applies to any TU/e-employed author of a publication, so it doesn’t matter if you were the corresponding author, the first author, or a co-author. 

Do I need permission from my co-authors?

No. Since this is your personal right, you don’t need permission from your co-authors, but we do advise you to inform them.

What do I need to do to open my publications after six months?

Keep doing what you have been doing: as a TU/e author, you are requested to register your publications in Pure. The University Library does the rest. 

What will the University Library do for me?

The University Library will: 

  • make eligible publications in Pure openly available (or set an embargo after which they will automatically become openly available), 

  • attach a Taverne licence (not for re-use) to your publication. 

What publications are eligible to be opened this way?

  • It must be a short academic work. 
    Academic articles, conference papers and chapters in edited collections are eligible. Monographs, chapters belonging to monographs and books are not eligible.  

  • Publications that state Eindhoven University of Technology as the author’s affiliation are eligible. 

  • The TU/e author(s) must have an employment contract with TU/e. 

What version of my publications will become openly available through Taverne?

This will be the pdf of the final published version, the fully copyedited, typeset and formatted version of the manuscript as published by the journal, also known as the Version of Record (VOR). This version is uploaded by the University Library. In case the University Library has no access to the publishers version, an earlier version of the publication will be made available. Only in case no pdf of any version is available in Pure, the University Library will ask you to provide one.  

Some publishers allow you to make the author accepted manuscript (AAM) openly available in Pure within six months after the first publication date. This is the accepted version without the layout of the publisher, also known as the postprint. If that version is already open in Pure, the University Library will make the final published version openly available as well.  

Publications from which years will become openly available?

The University Library will ensure that all your eligible publications registered in Pure that are published since January 2022, are made openly available in the repository six months after their first publication date. 

You can request older publications to be made openly available through Taverne by filling in this form.  

Does the Open Access Regulation allow for a re-use licence?

No. Article 25fa of the Dutch Copyright Act, underlying the Open Access Regulation only allows publications to become openly available, not to be re-used. This means you and others are not allowed to share the publication on a website, platform, or for educational purposes. If you want others to access your publication, then link to the open pdf of your publication in Pure. 

Will I be notified when my publications become openly available?

No, you can rest assured that all publications registered in Pure that are not openly available on the publishers website being made open 6 months after the first online publication in the publisher's version. In case the University Library has no access to the pdf of the publisher's version, an earlier version of the publication available will be made available. If no version of the publication is available in Pure, the University Library will ask you to provide a pdf of a version of the manuscript. 

Will I be notified when one of my co-authors opts out?

Yes. If an opt-out concerns a publication with multiple TU/e-employed authors, then the University Library will inform TU/e co-authors about the opt-out. (See ‘What if… My co-author opts out for our joint publication’) 

How can I opt out?

You can opt out by filling out this form. An opt-out applies to all your articles that are not already openly available. You will be asked for your motivation.An opt-out does not affect publications that have already been made available through Taverne. Please be aware that you are still expected to make your Open Access available. If you need advice on your options to do so, please contact the Open Access helpdesk. If your opt-out concerns a publication that was co-authored by other TU/e-employed authors, then the University Library will inform those authors about the opt-out. 

Can I opt-out specific works?

If you want to opt-out for a single publication, please contact the Pure Validation team before you register that publication in Pure.  

The opt-out form can only be used to indicate that you do not agree to the default use of the Taverne amendment for all your publications.  

Can I undo my opt-out?

Of course, you can. Just get in touch with the Open Access helpdesk. 

Can I share publications from a previous employment?

Yes, provided that the publication describe research performed at a Dutch University. You can request Open Access through the Taverne amendment for these publications by filling in this form.