FAQ What if...

… I signed a Copyright Transfer Agreement with the publisher?

Signing a copyright-transfer agreement does not affect your eligibility to use the Taverne amendment: The Dutch law outweighs such agreements. 

… I published with an international publisher?

It doesn’t matter if the publisher is Dutch or international: all your eligible publications can be made openly available through the Taverne amendment in Pure.  

… my publisher asks me to close my publication again?

Your publisher may approach you with questions or a request to remove access to your  publication in Pure. In that case, all you have to do is forward the correspondence from the publisher to the Open Access helpdesk. The helpdesk will take over the correspondence and TU/e, together with its national partners, guarantees legal backing.  

… I have to abide by Plan S?

For calls as of 2021, cOAlition-S funders like NWO and the EU require you to abide by Plan S. This means that at least the Accepted Author Version of your publications must become available in open access immediately with a licence for re-use. The Open Access Regulation makes your publications openly available six months after the first online publication without a licence for re-use. So, opening your publications this way does not meet the requirements of Plan S. Advice on how to meet the Plan S Open Access requirements can be found on the TU/e Open Access website. 

… I want to share my publications through Taverne on other platforms as well?

This is your personal right, so you are allowed to share your publications on other platforms as well, provided that you make them freely available. This means that you are not allowed to make your publications openly available on commercial platforms such as ResearchGate. You are allowed to share a link on ResearchGate to your open publications in Pure. 

Please keep in mind that TU/e only takes over correspondence and guarantees legal backing when the publication is shared in the TU/e Institutional Repository (Pure).  

… I want to make my previous publications openly available in Pure?

The University Library will ensure that all your eligible publications registered in Pure that have been published since January 2022, are made openly available six months after their first publication date. You can request older publications to be made openly available through Taverne by filling in this form.  

… a co-author has opted out of the default use of the Taverne amendment?

If your co-author has opted out of the default use of the Taverne amendement, then your joint publication will not be openly available in Pure, even if you want it to be open. If you want your joint publication to be open in Pure, then contact your TU/e co-author. He or she can request Open Access through the Taverne amendment for a single publication by filling in this form or undo the opt-out by contacting the Open Access helpdesk

… I leave Eindhoven University of Technology?

The publications that you produced during your employment at TU/e will remain in Pure. After you have left, your researcher profile will no longer be visible on research.tue.nl, but your publications will be. You can still link to them from other sites. 

If your publisher approaches you with questions or a request to remove access to your publication in Pure after you leave TU/e, please contact the Open Access helpdesk. The helpdesk will take over the correspondence and TU/e, together with its national partners, guarantees legal backing. This guarantee also applies after your employment with TU/e has ended. 

… I mostly publish books?

Unfortunately, books are not eligible. Only book chapters in an edited collection are seen as short scientific works. These chapters can be made open. 

… my partner/funder from industry places an embargo on publication of my results?

The Taverne amendment only applies to published articles. These can be viewed by anyone with a reading subscription or willing to pay for one-time access and are no longer subject to any contractual embargo from industrial partners.