
About Research

All departments at TU/e conduct research that contributes to the transition to a more sustainable society in various research groups and programs. The TU/e follows the Sustainable Development Goals closely. 

If you wish to find an overview of the faculties, research groups and departments at TU/e, please click on the button below ‘Research groups overview.ppsx’. There’s also an overview of SDGs in connection to TU/e’s academic landscape.

Research at TU/e does not only take place in several TU/e-related institutes (see slider below). Indeed, TU/e uses its campus as a Living Lab for conducting research into green and alternative solutions.

If you are curious on how YOUR research project aligns with our commitment to renewable energy and sustainable practices you can now make use of our Sustainability Self-Assessment Tool, which helps researchers evaluate the environmental and societal impact of their work!

Sustainabilty related institutes on campus

Living Labs

TU/e therefore offers students, researchers, and teachers access to Living Lab facilities, to enable hands-on experimentation and testing in real-life environments.

A complete Living Lab overview can be found on our intranet page, aimed at TU/e students, researchers, and teachers and how they can make use of the Living Labs.