• Photo: Emma Moonen
    March 7, 2024

    It’s ‘no sweat’ to use sweat to check your health!

  • Image: Nemo Healthcare
    February 27, 2024

    Improving a non-invasive way to monitor contractions during labor

  • Hareld Kemps. Photo: Bart van Overbeeke
    February 8, 2024

    Keeping track: doctor monitors your heart at home

    On January 8, professor and cardiologist Hareld Kemps will hold his oration within the Department of Industrial Design.

  • February 1, 2024

    Less invasive for patients: using blood tests to diagnose lung cancer

    Sylvia Roovers-Genet defended her PhD thesis at the Department of Biomedical Engineering on February 1st.

  • January 26, 2024

    Combining math and biology to provide a clearer image of brain tissue

    Improving tractography methods enables neurosurgeons to provide more personalized care.

  • December 21, 2023

    Alumnus Sander van 't Noordende donates a quarter of a million to the University Fund Eindhoven

    Donor and CEO of Randstad Sander van 't Noordende aims to allow talent to develop with this generous donation.

  • December 19, 2023

    Collaboration is key in esophageal cancer screening

    More than a decade of research at TU/e, led by Fons van der Sommen, has culminated in a scientific publication in The Lancet Digital Health…

  • [Translate to English:]
    December 14, 2023

    Eindhoven University Fund receives legacy of over 5 million euro for research on 'health tech'

    [VIDEO] The University Fund Eindhoven has received its largest-ever donation, earmarked for groundbreaking health research, including a…

  • Annika Vrehen (VivArt-X), Muhabbat Komil (VivArt-X), Martin Rutten (TU/e), Dan Jing Wu (VivArt-X), Marcel Segers (Stimulus), Jan Rietsema (SBMC), Mérie van der Rijt (Stimulus), Kevin van der Veer (Stimulus).
    December 5, 2023
    €1.4 million for accelerating research VivArt-X

    TU/e startup VivArt-X chasing innovative treatment of breast reconstructions

    Thanks to €1.4 million from collaborating partners, the startup will accelerate its development of using autologous cells in breast…

  • November 13, 2023

    The rules of growing tissue

    Laura Rijns defended her PhD thesis cum laude at the Department of Biomedical Engineering on November 10th.

  • [Translate to English:]
    October 6, 2023

    A heartbeat for soft robots aiming to improve lives of millions of patients

    For his PhD research Luuk van Laake developed a control system for a future artificial heart that beats without any electronic components.…

  • September 27, 2023

    Healthcare is under pressure, but technology can help solve its challenges

    An integrated approach for future-proof healthcare was the topic of Medtech Day 2023