Published Paper in Nature Communications

3 maart 2020

Understanding the fundamentals of optical fiber propagation in the highly-nonlinear regime under a novel perspective.

On February 18, 2020, Nature Communications has published our paper entitled “Regular perturbation on the group-velocity dispersion parameter for nonlinear fibre-optical communications”, Nat Commun 11, 933 (2020). In this work, we look at the fundamentals of optical fiber communications from a new perspective, presenting a novel mathematical model for the highly-nonlinear regime. The paper is a result of the collaboration between the Vinícius OliariAlex Alvarado (TU/e ICTLab), and Erik Agrell (Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden). Press release from Eindhoven University of Technology can be found here: Illuminating numerical study on light propagation in nonlinear optical fibers.

This research was funded by the projects ICONIC and FUN-NOTCH.