MMP poster award InterPore2021

15 juni 2021

On the 31st of May till the 4th of June the annual InterPore2021 conference took place, this year in an online format. InterPore is the International Society for Porous Media with members from academia and industry with the general aim to advance and disseminate knowledge for understanding, describing, and modeling natural and industrial porous media systems. Besides the numerous interesting live presentations, the conference enabled poster sessions where presenters had the option to upload a poster and a prerecorded presentation of their work. Furthermore, three poster sessions were scheduled to enable a live Q&A session through dedicated video chat rooms. Of the over one hundred academic posters, two poster winners were selected for an award granted by MDPI Energy. Maxime van der Heijden, a PhD student in the MMP group, was one of those two winners with her poster titled:

 “Towards bottom-up design of porous electrode microstructures - coupling genetic algorithms with pore network modeling of redox flow battery electrodes”.

In her PhD project she aims to design and synthesize novel electrode materials with architected microstructures for redox flow batteries using a combination of computer simulations and synthetic methods. The poster discussed the coupling of a genetic algorithm with a pore network model to predict optimal porous microstructures for various flow battery chemistries based on the electrochemical reactive transport processes within the battery.