Best labor market prognosis for five TU/e master's programs

April 1, 2021

Keuzegids Masters 2021: 'Very good job opportunities for the area of structural sciences'

The annual Keuzegids Masters is out, this time focusing on labor market and wages. Of all the assessed master's programs in the Netherlands, the job prospects for the domain of construction sciences, which includes five TU/e master's programs, appear to be the best. The highest starting salary is for alumni in the area of Data Science, also an important master's program at TU Eindhoven.  

Corona throws another spanner in the works for the Keuzegids Masters 2021. Normally, this magazine compares all master's programs on the basis of extensive annual student surveys. But these unfortunately did not take place in 2019 and 2020, due to the sudden switch to online education and the decision of Minister van Engelshoven that a survey in these two years is not representative.

Best labor market prognosis for construction sciences

Nevertheless, the guide came up with interesting comparisons this year. Focusing on job opportunities, job prospects and salaries. The prognosis look best for graduates with a degree in construction sciences, the Researchcentrum voor Onderwijs en Arbeidsmarkt (ROA) now concludes from 2019 data.

This domain is the only one that can count on "very good" job prospects until 2024. The Keuzegids lists six TU/e master's programs among them: Systems and Control, Biomedical Engineering, Medical Engineering, Automotive Technology and Mechanical Engineering.

Highest starting salary for Data Science

TU/e is also the right place for high starting salaries. Alumni in Data Science earn the (shared) highest starting salary of all graduates with a master's degree, according to the guide (based on the 2019 National Alumni Survey, conducted once every two years). The newly launched Data Science & Artificial Intelligence master's that begins in September is throwing up high points from the start. In addition to the long-standing master's in Data Science & Entrepeneurship, of course.

The other master's at TU/e also score well. On average 95 percent of the brand new alumni of all TU/e programs find a job within 15 months. And most of them already have a job after an average of 2.3 months. While the national average is 2.5 months, according to the same NAE survey from 2019.

The Keuzegids Masters provides a quality comparison of related programs in higher education. The data in this guide comes from the Researchcentrum voor Onderwijs en Arbeidsmarkt (ROA), education statistics from the VSNU, data from the National Alumni Survey (NAE) and National Student Survey (NSE) and accreditation data from the NVAO, among others.

Media contact

Hilde van Genugten - de Laat
(Science Information Officer)