Eindhoven History Lab starts research into re-inventing wastewater

August 1, 2023

Redefining wastewater for rural-urban circularity in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area

The Eindhoven History Lab (EHL) has secured seed funding for a project aimed at redefining wastewater for rural-urban circularity in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area. With support from EWUU, an alliance of four Dutch Universities, the research collaboration involves TU Eindhoven, Wageningen University & Research, and Utrecht University.

Transformation pathways

The project's goal is to create transformation pathways that reintroduce wastewater recycling as a crucial link between water, energy, and food systems in the region. By exploring the potential for clean water, nutrients for agriculture, and renewable energy resources, wastewater recycling is seen as a critical pathway towards circular economies and enhancing urban-rural cohesion.

EHL researcher Jonas van der Straeten focusses on making historical research actionable. In this project, in which he collaborates closely with other EHL researchers, he aims to understand how different stakeholders perceive the problem and embed it in wider narratives of change. Through interviews and analyses, researchers will uncover historical contexts, characters, events, and dynamics that shape stakeholders' perspectives. These narratives will play a pivotal role in stakeholder workshops and ensure the historical research contributes to creating inclusive and sustainable future imaginaries.

Jonas is excited about the project: “I'm thrilled! We will tackle a present-day issue with a historical approach. Creating sustainable futures requires more than just technology. By understanding and weaving narratives from the past, present, and future, we'll better understand and navigate the forces shaping our daily lives.”