Pascale Le Blanc Guest Editor European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology

October 5, 2020

Pascale Le Blanc will be guest editor for an upcoming special issue in the European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. The topic is closely related to a focal topic of her recent TU/e-appointment as full professor of Workplace Innovation and Sustainable Employability. Le Blanc will be joined by three renowned scholars in the field of worker (sustained) employability The special issue is titled "New Frontiers in Employability Research: Towards a Contextualized Perspective of Employability Development". It aims to assemble a collection of papers that strongly advance scientific knowledge on the role of context and time in employability research. and thereby give rise to more 'tailor-made', evidence-based employability policies and practices aimed at specific groups or categories of workers.

The submission deadline closes January 1st 2022. The guest editors aim for longitudinal quantitative and qualitative studies that can probe employability development, though conceptual papers are also welcome. If you are interested, you can submit a brief abstract of your intended submission. This will allow the Guest Editors to offer preliminary feedback about the potential fit with the special issue and suggestions for potentially improving the fit and scope of the intended study.

More information can be found on the special issue website: EJWOP Special Issue Employability.