Ineke Dezentjé Hamming-Bluemink new member Supervisory Board TU/e

January 6, 2021

This brings the board back to full strength, with five supervisors.

Ineke Dezentjé Hamming-Bluemink, chairman of business organization FME, is a member of the Supervisory Board of Eindhoven University of Technology as of January 1. This brings the board back to full strength, with five supervisors, in the year that the TU/e celebrates its 65th anniversary. The Executive Board and the Supervisory Board are very pleased with the appointment of Dezentjé Hamming-Bluemink.

The new supervisor has exceptional experience at the intersection of public administration and representation of tech-entrepreneurs. Since 2011 she is the chairman of FME, the Dutch entrepreneurs' organization for the tech industry. She is also a board member of the employers' organization VNO-NCW, member of the Netherlands Cyber Security Council, member of the Supervisory Board of Platform Talent for Technology and duo chairman of the collaborative organization Vocational Education and Training Business. From 2003 to 2011, Dezentjé Hamming-Bluemink was a member of the Lower House of Parliament, during which she also served as chairman of the permanent parliamentary finance committee.

Peter Wennink, chairman of the Supervisory Board of the TU/e, is pleased with Dezentjé's appointment. "As chairman of the FME, she has enormous knowledge of the high-tech industry in the Netherlands, she has a very rich network and she is fully knowledgeable in political and administrative issues. We are very pleased that she will strengthen the Supervisory Board with her qualities".

Robert-Jan Smits, Chairman of the Executive Board of the TU/e: "We are proud that we are getting another top supervisor. Ineke Dezentjé Hamming-Bluemink knows like no one else the ins and outs of one of our most important stakeholders, the industry. That is one of the most important competencies for our supervisory board, given the close cooperation of the TU/e with the industry. I am very much looking forward to our cooperation".

Ineke Dezentjé Hamming-Bluemink: "I think Eindhoven University of Technology is a wonderful university with a unique signature, thanks to its key role in the ecosystem of the Brainport region. I am therefore honored to take on the role of supervisor at the TU/e".

In September last year, Baptiest Coopmans and Jacob Fokkema bade farewell to the Supervisory Board of the TU/e, at the end of their period. One of the two vacancies was filled immediately, with the appointment of Louise Gunning. Peter Wennink took over the chairmanship from Baptiest Coopmans. With the appointment of Dezentjé Hamming-Bluemink, by education minister Ingrid van Engelshoven, the council is complete again.

In addition to the aforementioned members, the Supervisory Board consists of Prof. Coen Teulings, former director of the CPB, and Mariëtte Hamer, chairman of the SER. This means that the majority of the council consists of women.

Media contact

Ivo Jongsma
(Communications Adviser)