EHCI kicked-off successfully with in-person event
The Eindhoven Hendrik Casimir Institute (EHCI) had its official in-person kick-off event on the TUE campus on June 3rd. An exciting day: with about 100 visitors, many talks from the region and from the institute, a poster session, and networking drinks.
The EHCI scientific program is structured around three grand challenges: computing, communications, and sensing. The focus is on the development of new technologies, such as new types of processors, highly-efficient communication transceivers, secure communication technology and ubiquitous sensors. By bringing together photonics, electronics, spintronics and quantum technology, EHCI drives the sustainable information society.
As one of the main pillars is photonics and quantum technology, it was great hearing Ewit Roos from PhotonDelta talk about the new National Growth Fund program on photonics, Jesse Robbers from Quantum Delta NL on the Dutch quantum ecosystem which is currently being developed under the umbrella of the Quantum Technology Growth Fund, and Naomie Verstraeten elaborated on the role of Brainport Development in the Eindhoven ecosystem. After the talks from the organizations oriented in strengthening the ecosystem, ASML and IMEC presented their roadmap and laid out their long-standing relationship with our university.
During the poster session, PhD students and PostDocs of EHCI had the opportunity to present their work and win a poster prize, which went to Rachel Jones from the Photonic Integration group.
The faces representing three grand challenges gave inspiring talks on their research lines: Diana Leitao on the Challenge Based Learning Lab which she is developing, Chigo Okonkwo on the status and challenges of quantum communication, and Erik Bakkers on Active Silicon Photonics. The final talk of the day was by Lieven Vandersypen from QuTech (TU Delft) who showed results of placing qubits on a chip.
To stay up to date with the developments in the EHCI, follow our LinkedIn page where we regularly post latest updates.