Starting your business

Technology transfer (also known as valorization) is the third core task of universities, in addition to education and research. The transfer and application of knowledge for the benefit of the economy and society is becoming increasingly important in national and international innovation policy, in which technical universities play a leading role.

Eindoven University of Technology has the societal task to propose groundbreaking technical-scientific solutions that contribute to impact for a better society. We train our students and engineers to become drivers of change by coming up with solutions that have a real impact on the world.

In the years and decades ahead we see major challenges facing society: In order to meet these challenges, we encourage to valorize research of our scientists into innovations with impact. A key role in further deepening our collaboration with industry and society is played by The Gate. They are the linking pin in technology transfer and startups e.g. spin-offs. 


For more than thirty years the TU/e has been initiating and facilitating spin-off companies. The result is more than 100 technology companies with an TU/e-background, including well-known successes such as Prodrive, Coosto, Xeltis, SMART Photonics and Flowid.

Principles for spin-offs (deal terms)

Deal terms - When it comes to the transfer of intellectual property to spin-offs
Universities of The Netherlands (UNL) has presented transparent principles for university spin-offs on 16th of February 2023. The 'deal terms' - as they are called, regulate how to deal with intellectual property and universities’ share ownership in spin-offs that involve a researcher terminating their employment.
The deal terms are intended to speed up the negotiation process between universities and young companies, and thus to increase the chance of growth and success. The deal terms set out the fees and agreements around intellectual property rights. They are envisaged for situations in which a researcher terminates their employment and wants to start up a company on the basis of intellectual property deriving from the university’s activities. In accordance with the principles of the deal terms, these terms must be simple, fair and transparent.
The use of deal terms will be monitored and evaluated periodically by the Knowledge Transfer Offices / Technology Transfer Offices (KTOs/TTOs) of the knowledge institutions in the Netherlands. For TU/e this is The Gate.
You can find the Deal terms in the Downloads

For students with an entrepreneurial mindset

Are you a student and do you have plans to start a business with a new innovation or technology, product or service? Congrats, you found the right people to help you!

The business developers for student entrepreneurship at The Gate offer comprehensive support to help you prepare for the journey of turning your innovative ideas into successful ventures. Services include:

  • startup coaching
  • intellectual property advice
  • startup readiness programs
  • workshops
  • access to the most used funding opportunities within the Brainport region and beyond

Want to get in touch with us? E-mail us via 

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