Targeting student motivation in physical education through design

November 27, 2023

Gwen Weeldenburg defended her PhD thesis at the Department of Industrial Design on November 8th.


Image: iStockphoto

The heterogeneity of students in secondary school physical education (PE) classes presents a complex situation where teachers must cater to various student abilities and needs. Although existing research offers useful empirical insights into addressing this complexity, implementing these insights in the dynamic PE context remains challenging. For her PhD thesis, Gwen Weeldenburg addressed the challenges faced by PE teachers in building an inclusive learning environment that promotes a physically active lifestyle among secondary school students.

Continuing professional development (CPD) for teachers is crucial in updating their knowledge, enhancing teaching effectiveness, and addressing the complexities of teaching.

It is recommended to develop tools that bridge the gap between theory and practice and provide guidelines for teachers to effectively embrace the diverse needs of students.

Advancements in technology have created new opportunities for developing digital tools for CPD. While the potential benefits of technological tools in physical education (PE) teaching have been recognized, their successful implementation remains complex.


With this in mind, Gwen Weeldenburg had several goals which she addressed as part of her PhD thesis. Her thesis research was grounded in the fields of social psychology, human-computer interaction (HCI), and design research.

First, Weeldenburg gained insights on the motivational perceptions and needs of students within secondary school PE. Next, she examined how the teacher can meet these motivational needs. Finally, she explored how technology can be better utilized to support teachers in building an optimal motivational PE class climate.

Title of PhD thesis: Targeting Students’ Motivation Within Secondary School Physical Education Through Design. Supervisors: S. Vos and L. Borghouts (external).

Media contact

Barry Fitzgerald
(Science Information Officer)

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