Diversity Contest 2023: win up to €5000 for the best idea!

September 29, 2023

At TU/e, we deeply value everyone in our community. That's why we're thrilled to announce a new edition of the Diversity Contest in 2023! This year's competition runs from October 2 to December 8. Do you have a brilliant concept for a project or initiative that fosters equity, diversity and inclusion within TU/e? If so, don't miss your chance to apply for the Diversity Fund! The top five ideas will be awarded grants of up to €5000.


University staff and students are encouraged to apply for the Diversity Fund Contest 2023 if their project or activity meets the following criteria:

  • Alignment with Strategy 2030.
  • Relevance to multiple departments or services.
  • Contribution to inclusion within a broader target group at TU/e.
  • Budget not exceeding 5k per application.
  • Innovative - the fund supports novel initiatives, not existing regular activities.

Here's how to submit your application:

  • Describe the project or activity concisely in a maximum of two pages. Provide details on objectives, expected outcomes, activities, timeline, and a separate budget.
  • Send your application via email to j.behnke@tue.nl by the deadline of December 8.
  • A review committee, comprised of TU/e's D&I Committee members, both employees and students, will evaluate the applications based on the specified criteria and their potential impact on diverse target groups.
  • Prior to the Christmas holiday, the review committee will publicly announce the recipients of the Diversity Fund Contest 2023.