New PhD student

On October 12th, Inmaculada Giménez García joined the Membrane Materials and Processes (MMP) group as a PhD student at Eindhoven University of Technology.
Inma obtained her Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Chemical Engineering at Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), where she graduated as class valedictorian. During her Bachelor’s, she received a grant from the Spanish government to carry out her research thesis on process design and optimization for the recovery of organic compounds. For her Master’s graduation project, which she carried out at TU/e as an exchange student, Inma focused on the development of porous alloyed electrodes for sustainable hydrogen production.
At TU/e, Inma will be working on the project “Novel thin-fil coatings for next-generation polymer electrolyte fuel cells”. The aim of this project is to develop synthetic methods to manufacture new ionomers and gas diffusion layers for high-performance fuel cells.