Cultural association

ESFF Dekate Mousa

Dekate Mousa is the student film and photography association of Eindhoven. We come together to have fun and practice our photography skills.

About us

We are Dekate Mousa (DM for short), the student film and photography association of Eindhoven. Every Tuesday at 8 p.m. we come together for a photography or film related activity. We offer a wide range of activities, from portrait workshops to lectures by professional photographers. Next to the usual activities, it’s possible to do assignments for other associations. For instance, photographing a gala. DM is the perfect place to have fun while learning and experimenting with photography and film. After the activity we go to the Hubble bar to have a drink together. If you like to improve your studio photography skills it’s possible to use our studio whenever you want. In this way you can take your time and use the available flashes and backgrounds to enhance the quality of your pictures.


Contact us

  • Postadres

    Box nr. 10
    TU/e Luna de Plint
    Postbus 513
    5600 MB Eindhoven
  • Bezoekadres

    TU/e campus, Luna
    Gebouwnummer 31
    De Lampendriessen 31
    5612 AH Eindhoven

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