Study association

Master association Eir

Master Association Eir is a student branch of e.t.s.v. Thor from the Electrical Engineering faculty of the Technical University of Eindhoven. Eir focuses on students who are interested in the area of 'Care & Cure’. One of the fastest growing areas of Electrical Engineering.

Master Association Eir is a student branch of e.t.s.v. Thor from the Electrical Engineering faculty of the Technical University of Eindhoven. Eir focuses on students who are interested in the area of 'Care & Cure’. One of the fastest growing areas of Electrical Engineering. Eir tries to act as a link between students, the department and companies in our area. By organizing excursions, study-trips and lunch lectures we give the students the opportunity to discover these interesting fields of Electrical Engineering as well as getting into contact with your possible internship, graduation project or even future employer! A few examples of activities from last year are: Kempenhaege Symposium, Philips Healthcare, Erasmus MC and on the more relaxing side we had a few drinks for interested members and we have a quarterly evening of LasEirquest. If you want more information, don’t forget to check out our website!

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